Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm an Aunt!!! Finally!!!

Ok, this is only 2 weeks late!! I'm finally an aunt!! Alan & Crystal had a beautiful baby girl on Jan 9th at 11:20pm. 6lbs even, 18 1/2 inches. They named her Hailey Marie. Isn't that pretty?? And...she's a redhead!! :) They sent me a pic text at 6am, my time, on Sat morning. It's probably a good thing they live in Idaho because Sat was also the day of Ash W/T's ring ceremony and reception (they had the temple ceremony on Friday), which wouldn't have been a big deal, except I was a bridesmaid and NEEDED to be there. So, I wasn't torn on whether to go see my new niece or fulfill my bridesmaid duties. Good thing too, cuz I would have gone to see my niece! Alan, Crystal, and baby Hailey are doing well, thank goodness, besides lack of sleep of course!

And of course I have to say that Ashley's wedding/reception was beautiful. She was beautiful and happy, I was so happy for her! Life's so good sometimes, and that weekend was great!

Isn't she so beautiful?? (P.S. Heather Smith was the photographer, isn't she just amazing?)

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that 1. I am glad that you finally started a blog 2. Let me know next time you start something big in your life ( so I don't have to stalk you to find it (because I will.) 3. Congrats on becoming an aunt. I am uber proud of the Higginbotham clan...getting married, making babies and thus continually extending the Higginbotham legacy.
