Ok, this is only 2 weeks late!! I'm finally an aunt!! Alan & Crystal had a beautiful baby girl on Jan 9th at 11:20pm. 6lbs even, 18 1/2 inches. They named her Hailey Marie. Isn't that pretty?? And...she's a redhead!! :) They sent me a pic text at 6am, my time, on Sat morning. It's probably a good thing they live in Idaho because Sat was also the day of Ash W/T's ring ceremony and reception (they had the temple ceremony on Friday), which wouldn't have been a big deal, except I was a bridesmaid and NEEDED to be there. So, I wasn't torn on whether to go see my new niece or fulfill my bridesmaid duties. Good thing too, cuz I would have gone to see my niece! Alan, Crystal, and baby Hailey are doing well, thank goodness, besides lack of sleep of course!
And of course I have to say that Ashley's wedding/reception was beautiful. She was beautiful and happy, I was so happy for her! Life's so good sometimes, and that weekend was great!
Isn't she so beautiful?? (P.S. Heather Smith was the photographer, isn't she just amazing?)
Let me just say that 1. I am glad that you finally started a blog 2. Let me know next time you start something big in your life (ie.blog...) so I don't have to stalk you to find it (because I will.) 3. Congrats on becoming an aunt. I am uber proud of the Higginbotham clan...getting married, making babies and thus continually extending the Higginbotham legacy.